A beautifully well written article about the true political and economic reality of the state of the nation which many Malaysians are unaware of! Keep the readers well versed with your highly skillful writing style ! Hats off to your worldly knowledge!

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The politicians who advocate and implement these racial, highly marginalising policies are self-serving and avaricious with limited considerations of the country’s future. Corruption culture is so entrenched in the country’s social fabric.

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The line: They typically enrich a class of opportunists... explains it succinctly.

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That 51%goes to the filthy rich malays doing nothing while the average malays suffers wotking as labourer. MAS, Proton and many malay manage companies had gone bankrupt loosing RM billions up for sale to foreign company management. Proton now making profits when lead by Chinese Geely.

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Yes, and the rest of the population is thrown into further poverty without them even realising it. Gosh....their ignorance and blindness...

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Thank you It's a good read but nothing new. Bolehland is on a downward slippery slope and with ever widening wealth gap amongst the majority race/population, a social inequality fight will be on the card. The minorities will be the trampled ants when elephants fight.

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What exactly do you expect from Mr Lowyat2. The bunch of them look so damn stupid.

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Andrew Wong just like many others in the comment section is a racist borned out of colonial system embedded as normal practice in institutions like education (school children are segregated by race in Malaysia)

You've got to be continually striving to undo racism in your mind, your personal environment and the wider world.

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Just look at Singapore & Malaysia.Currency at 1/3.Mahathir is your Doom.Heading towards a bottomless pit.

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The arti le may be incomplete or some may not like it but it points out urgent needs.. dont act now, don't be in a position to act ever.

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The Title Zimbabweisation of Malaysia was not substantiated in the article.May be no comparison can be made.A non starter bcos Zimbabwe is not multi ethnic ,multiracial n multireligious to make comparisons outright.Economic policies race based here.

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A bit skewed and alarmist although worth taking note.

Also worth taking a note is his ideological perspective - basically a laissez-faire free market proponent's perspective. Almost every point raised in the op-ed deals with restrictions (perceived and/or real) on laissez-faire free market economic activities.

A nation's rise and fall depends on a way more complicated interweaving of other factors apart from the stock market and FDI.

Also note that the author himself states that Malaysia was ranked 12th in the world by the World Bank Group for ease of doing business and by some strange logic concludes that this means Malaysia is going to become a basket case. We may have 11 countries ahead of us, but we also have 185 countries behind us. If the majority of those 185 countries are not yet basket cases, what would justify Malaysia becoming one?

I agree that we won't be ahead and we won't excel. Then again, hasn't Malaysia always generally been somewhat excellent in mediocrity?

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If this 51% equity requirement is implemented. It is time for All non bumiputra races to leave Malaysia. Let Malaysia be the Malay only country. Bye Bye. So long.

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Good riddance

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Herbert where are you heading for? To me Malaysia is always the best country to live and work in. Only if you care to contribute and it your best effort in can you make life good for all.

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That would be good, I like it. There’s no point having a commercially attractive Malaysia, but 50 to 60 % of Malays lives in poverty or semi poverty…the rest belong to the so-called 2nd class citizen ! … as it is the gap between the Malays n the Non is widening. Now practically Every single parts of the economy is in their hands. Do you think we Malays just leave it and just look n do nothing! We don’t want to be like what Singapore had done to the Malays there.

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Actually, someone in Malaysia was sifu to the late Robert Mugabe to turn Rhodesia into Zimbabwi !?

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It seems to me, The writer knows more about malaysia than u.

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If you don't know Malaysia do not talk cock about Malaysia.Get lost and we have had our way to survival.

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Your survival is to encroach on the success of others, getting preferential treatment without having to work for it? The more you deny, the greater is the truth, the more shameful you should be.

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I think she hit the nail right on the head! Ouch...it is painful for you bumis to stomach but the writer has told the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Only the ignorant bumis are blindedsided by these racist policies.

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Yeah people in Zimbabwe are surviving too. But look at how they are surviving

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From paradise , now hell-like for non-bumiputera entreprenuers.

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Not a very balanced write up by Mr Hunter determined to impose his views and prejudices. Nobody likes the kleptocrats of Malaysia even Malays, but write up should be balanced with equal exposure of the underhand oligopolistic tactics of certain racial groups. Also there is a lot of fronting for drug and vice money which needs to be brought to public attention. Cmon Mr Hunter *yawn*!

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I think you're not comprehending this very well. Let me try it in Malay for you, negara tengah nazak tapi hang nie sibuk pasal orang jual arak, panggil arak Timah dan jual nombor ekor? Orang lain sibuk nak maju, tapi hang jugak nak bawak negara nie balik ke zaman purba, atau ertikata lain, Zimbabwe. Israel kentut jer hang turun padang nak demonstrasi sampai berbuih di mulut, tapi bila Lord korang (ie Najib, Zahid dan sewaktunya) dibebaskan oleh kehakiman yang korup, terus terdiam. Patut bangsa Melayu nie ditukar panggil bangsa Melalut.

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Write up need not be balanced, this is not an ego massage forum. But skip the article, there are better and bigger truths. There are economies in multiracial countries which have done well, why is Malaysia an exception? Lack of talent? Lack of innovation? Politics? I don't know but I will find out. Can the author or people suggest what needs to be done respecting the current population?

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Step 1 - Remove NEP lock, stock and barrel. Step 2 - Replace this constitutional democratic malarkey with a full-blown republic (ie, none of this Islam as a central religion or this rotating monarchy). Then, we can have some grown-up discussion about moving forward.

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Cina rasis macam you yang buat melayu meluat. U punya guan eng kaki rasuah u punya businessman kaki rasuah tapi yang kena hantam just the malays. Yang rasuah minority malays yang kena tuduh mcm2 majority of the malays. Be fair with your statement. Yang kaki ajar orang melayu rasuah ni semua pendatang2 cina

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Dei Supir, hang biar betul yang makan rasuah nie minority jer.. Patut ler si Madey tue kata (siap tulih buku summore) yang Melayu nie kaki pelupa.. Dah 60 tahun yang bukan bumi nie kena bayar cukai untuk sarakan hidup si Melayu nie nak kira derma macam Najib ker? Itu pun rasuah jugak.. rasuah supaya jangan duk miskin dan malas.. tapi apa nak buat, bagi betis nak batang..Nasib kita lah labu.. esok lusa bila wak Jawa dan pak Bangla tue jadi PM, baru hang tahu pahit perit nak hidup di dunia nie.

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This write up is nothing but the truth. Malaysians should accept it that we are miles apart now with countries such as Vietnam, Indonesia and even Cambodia. We are not only stagnating but going down the road very fast. Face the reality. Most of our so called leaders have no idea how to manage the country other than robbing the poor Malaysians and also the business community. I don't see any major investments coming to Malaysia other than own value local projects.

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Spot on too.

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Hehe hehe...ta very balanced and good writeup of the truth in Malaysia is of course hard for you bumis to stomach

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