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Why is that when Christian evangelists, Zionist Bjp/rss Hindus, fascist violent Buddhists of Myanmar and Sri Lanka commit human crimes openly without any conscience or shame against Muslims of the respective countries nothing is much said.. Only when it comes to Muslims is the problem. Hamas was a democratically elected political party chosen in 1987 by the Palestinian citizens of Gaza as they saw that this is the only party that can protect and save them from the continuous belligerent, arrogant and brutality of the bullying racist Israeli occupiers. Panicking at the potential challenge to their dreams of subjugating and terrorising the Palestinians the Israeli government along with their partner the USA refused to accept the victory of Hamas despite it being completely legal. This is the root cause of today's problem. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter it is said. Israel spared no move to malign Hamas as it proved to be their nightmare. As usual they ran to their masters the US to cry on their shoulders and so their deal was done. Hamas was immediately labelled as a terrorist organisation and so had to be destroyed ironnically by a state that is fascist, violent and terrorist in its ideology itself. Malaysia is such a tolerant nation shown by the fact that it has Tamil Hindus and Christians and Chinese holding high positions in its decision making governmental political party. Take for example India a so called largest democracy. In its entire parliament of 302 members not one Muslim is seen. So who are the religious bigots? Apart from this it is fair game to insult, hurt and even mete out violence by way of lynch mobs, false arrests and torture in prisons often ending in suicidal deaths and murder. Coumtries like Myanmar are even worse judging by their not too recent history of ethnic cleansing and genocide against the Rohingya Muslims of their country.

Israel of course is openly hateful and bigoted in its treatment of the Palestinians of Gaza and West Bank with its non stop encroachment on palestinian lands seen by illegal settlements fay by day accompanied by a systematic demolition of Palestinian Muslim homes. Illegal arrests of women and kids as young as 8 and holding them in prison without any charge is a common widespread practice. Some 2000 women are languishing in Israeli prisons.. Israeli soldiers are known to raid homes at midnight to arrest kids and drag them to prison before their screaming mothers. This is why Hamas came into being as they probably believe that terrorism can be defeated only by terrorism.

The hearts of all good humans not just Muslims in the world is burning at what is going on in Gaza. Anwar is no exception. It would have been wiser on the part of the writer mr Pereira to have studied history and politics in a saner, neutral and a manner without prejudice. His views seem sadly bigoted based on disinformation.

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What a load of utter bullshit from this Muslim Razi Ashraf, who has willingly and unthinkingly swallowed whole the murderous, illiberal, violent propaganda of the vile terrorist Hamas (and Hezbollah) alongside its nasty, racist, murderous, illiberal mad mullahs of lunatic theocratic Iran who kills and beats up its citizens, including Muslim women, who want nothing more than freedom from the deadhead ayotallahs' grip on state and bureaucratic power by running a police-militarist state. What this dude Ashraf does is that he position plays right into the hands of the equally murderous and mad Israeli rightwing fascist, hate-filled and racist Zionist pigs. So does that idiotic fool and turncoat -- basically liar, fraud and Erdogan ass-kisser -- Anwar Ibrahim.

I say to Israel: Wipe out the parasitic Hamas and Hezbollah, and bomb every nuclear facility in Iran. Once done, leave Gaza and return all Palestinian lands to those Palestinians who genuinely want peace and freedom and sovereignty. Hamas ran "elections" like Mao ran China -- through the barrel of the gun. Ashraf is blind and typically for a brainwashed Muslim-Malay cockeyed too. He bears no understanding of the history of Palestine nor any of Jews and Jerusalem, of which half belongs to Palestinians. At the same time, I would ask Ashraf to ask his moronic prime minister Anwar Ibrahim why he continues to conduct commercial trade relations with Israel whilst he barks his dumb support for the Hamas terrorists. Perhaps he would even go so far as inviting Hamas to set up a terrorist foothold in anti-intellectual and socially backward Malaysia, from which he can draw inspiration to inspire his fellow Muslim to become jihadist and drive out from Malaysia all non-Muslims. Let's then see what malay-Muslims will live on for an economy. Coconuts, Islam-inspired corruption, Islam-inspired hatred for non-Muslims, and Islam-inspired stupidity, exemplified by PAS's chief idiot and primary racist, Hadi Awang. You only have to look at the young generation of Malays to see what the future holds for Malaysia, led by the nose by morons like Anwar Ibrahim, who is prime minister by the grace of the current king and no other reason. He survives by the skin of his teeth, knowing Umno's cabal of criminals will stab him in the front and back -- deservedly. Which explains why he now wants to jump into bed with PAS and Hadi Awang. He's a desperate populist who is increasingly unpopular and disliked.

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Malaysia is heading for disaster with these sorts of barking mad Islamist policies...

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