Hai I Nguyen: Do you think people believe in your garbage propaganda? The Vietnamese communist party embraced the Cold War in Vietnam against the will of the Vietnamese People. 1.5 millions of North Vietnamese soldiers. 250,000 Republic of South Vietnam troops, over 58,000 Americans soldiers, and more than 3 millions civilian Vietnamese died in this bloody war. After the war, communist executed over 65,0000 people of South VN, arrested and imprisoned over one millions of South Vietnamese; they are the officers of South Vietnam military and old government, the religion leaders, the educated and anyone who do not like the the way the communist run the country. At that time, they built more prisons across the country than schools.Over 2 millions of Vietnamese escaped from VN by boat. Almost half of millions perished in the ocean. Please see this link for your record: www.VIETNAMERICAmovie.com. Killing your people to get power is a shame crime there is nothing to bragging about. That why there are and will be many Pham Doan Trang will stand up to fight until the Communist down in Vietnam.

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Since you join David Brown to relive in the well-examined history, post-unification issues and lingering hate politics... Let me remind you both that Vietnam-US is at its highest in nearly 30 years, numerous VCP leaders invited to Republican and Democratic White House and every American president since Obama - forced and/or forcefully (?) pledged to respect Vietnam's political system, including permanent VCP governance.

By the way, Nancy Bui: what are you planning on using the half-million USD balance of the Formosa lawsuit against the VCP government that Taiwan Court tossed out for absurdity, 18 months ago? Poor Vietnamese American boat people, elderly Medicare recipients and deceived donors are awaiting.....

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Read this and stop spreading the fake news. The lawsuit of 7875 defendants is pending at Taiwan Supreme Court: https://jffv.org/2020/12/01/the-ruling-of-taiwan-supreme-court-the-ruling-of-taiwan-high-court-above-is-rescinded-and-taiwan-high-court-shall-make-a-new-ruling/ SHAME ON YOU👎

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See this link for your record of what your government do for their own people when a company polluted Vietnam environment: https://disaster-sts-network.org/content/formosa-plastics-archive/essay. The money was not mine to spend. The organization raised money to pay for court fees, lawyers fees, translation fees, expert witnesses. So do not badmouth to undermine the good will of the organization. That is how you and your government operate, not us. 👎

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David Brown continues to fight the Cold war and forgets the US was totally, evicted by Vietnamese and the same Vietnam Communist Party (VCP) 47 years ago....At least and unlike Donald Trump, Pham Doan Trang could and is still using FB, Twitter, YouTube to organize the over-throw of government, spreads of falsehood, fabricated rumors. gossip.... like a true member of the US-based terrorist Viet Tan party!

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