A scary article not to be taken lightly by the PM. If he is serious in whatever stance he is showing in combating corruption, that is! In the mean time its about time the military leaders show some balls to the corrupt politicians to say enough is enough.

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Well at least they've got enough trees to make spears and chuck them.

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I have always believed that the military hierarchy has been compromised by sneaky politicians and crony companies. Wahyu projects were common due to blatant corruption by politicians and civilians in the ministry. A huge hole in our defence capabilities, thanks to weak leadership, tidak apa attitude and it will be someone else's problem.

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Explosive article. I sincerely hope DSAI and the government read this and take note.

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corrupt and inept decision makers, who are in it for themselves and using religion as a guise to justify a means to an end will be the fall of this country.

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