Billion dollar Robber gets away scot free... And may still return as PM..can only happen in this country. Even Zimbabwe is better

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If he is freed due to a mistrial, then consider it divine intervention, which will prove that Mahathir & gang wrongly prosecuted him. Truth will prevail.

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Autthor of Asia Sentinel is created to inflict max damage to BN leaders esp UMNO but we never hear news on corruption or scandal cases by AS on PH leaders esp Atok M, DAP Lim family so it's best that any biased writings or comments on BN by AS is either ignored or left to rot.

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Agreed sir!

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Couldnt agree more

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"Then, in late September, Najib met with newspaper editors at a Kuala Lumpur breakfast to announce he would stand for his old Perak state seat despite his conviction." - Not Perak. His seat is Pekan in the state of Pahang.

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oops thanks: the editors

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Poor journalism...ptuihh

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Right on bro, keep the hidden news coming for all Malaysians knowledge!

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