These so called fundamentalist are ‘fake ones’, look at their $400 k Mercedes cars when they should be riding camels . They have fooled the masses to believe that they are the stewards of Islam and the Malay race. Ignorance is bliss.

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If all the non Malays left , Malaysia will become like Uganda ( when Indian businessmen ) were forced to leave. Malaysia was / is dynamic because of the major 3 races and the indigenous population.

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"PAS is a community-based party"!? Yeah, a very specific 'community' that doesn't like kafirs. It's never going to capture the entire nation but it will act as a humoungous anchor on what little progress has been made in the past few decades in Malaysian (not 'Malay') society :-(

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Corruption by Malay elites have pushed youth to embrace fundamentalistic Islam - we have seen similar fact evidence in a Pakistan, Iran and other African countries. Malaysia is going down that same road.

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This party is nothing but a racist and hate mongering lot. They use the name of religion to their benefit and dupe their followers. The guy running it that old fella is a malicious fella and a big time hypocrite. Unfortunately most are blind to their vices

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Thanks for sharing the information. To Know more about Islam visit our website : https://truthaboutislam.net/

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