
Close to a YEAR after I wrote this article, SG state media meekly reports the exact same thing confirming everything I've said here.

What a joke Singapore is.

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As a follow-up, SG state media just confirmed the insider accounts of private bankers in Singapore helping to facilitate money laundering and creating forged documents to fool banks' AML/KYC regimes. One of the suspects named in linkage with Su Baolin's forgery charges is a certain individual named Wang Qiming, who is an employee at Citibank.



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It's good to see the veneer peeling. Keep up the good work. Your posts has gained a lot of views on LinkedIn especially.


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This is the tip of a very large and sinister iceberg which the US used once as a conduit and weapon to fund anti government activities in places like Malaysia and Thailand. This source of money has unfortunately for the US found its way back to haunt and bite them and their allies in places like Singapore and Australia in different ways.

Estimates put black money flows from China into Australia and the US at more than a trillion dollars over the period of a decade and half. Much of it used to fund construction and purchase of real estate using real estate agencies, lawyers and accountants as undisclosed trustees of Chinese buyers to avoid detection by Chinese authorities, whilst also allowing them to fly under the radar of Australia's Foreign Investment Review Board. Money laundering something Singapore knows a thing or two about.

In 2022 many of the so called independent and new commers to the fight in Australia's general elections (many independents) were funded by Chinese black money particulary in seats once held by the two large political parties in Australia.

A swing in south east Melbourne which was traditionally a conservative held seat swung to the left with the help of Chinese black money not for ideological reasons but as retribution against the Liberals who were pro American in their policy towards China. An anti Chinese stance.

Singapore is now beginning to feel the brunt of Chinese anger towards them as the Chinese fund woke policies and candidates to destabilze Singapore.

Hillary Clinton once said to Pakistan (about terrorism) and I paraphrase: "You can't expect the snakes you keep in your backyard to kill your enemies not to also bite you and harm you someday".

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"Singapore is now beginning to feel the brunt of Chinese anger towards them as the Chinese fund woke policies and candidates to destabilize Singapore."

Curious how you think this is the case, when it is well established that the various Chinese clan associations in Singapore are well in bed with the ruling PAP government. And it is these Chinese clan associations that are the main conduit for fostering Chinese FDI and business/cultural connections between the PRC and SG.

They're certainly not talking with nor dealing with any non-establishment "woke" candidates and their policies (if they do exist). Certainly not when such individuals are more likely than not racial minorities in Chinese-majority Singapore (which is why they even have the impetus to be "woke" in the first place). The Chinese mentality is to 1) deal with one's own kind, and 2) deal with the ones in power. If you're neither, they won't care.

If we want to talk about China destabilising Singapore, it's already happening through rampant unchecked propaganda campaign messaging spreading throughout Whatsapp and Wechat chat groups; these two apps are primarily favoured by PRCs residing in Singapore as well as the older generation of Singaporeans (the younger ones having long since moved to Telegram or IG direct chats, both of which see far less Chinese propaganda messaging). Not to mention Chinese ownership of key power generation infrastructure in Singapore, as well as how deeply involved they are in constructing much of Singapore's future transport network and its new Tuas Megaport in the west of the island.

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There is no argument about what you say generally about the Chinese culturally and how they operate in Singapore or elsewhere. However this no longer applies to the current situation in Singapore and a very fluid environment in Singapore where disparate groups, not necessarily working for the Chinese government, are engaged in the bussiness of Regime Change and destabilization of places like Singapore in order that they are not turned over to Chinese authorities. It is not a political choice but rather one of survival.

It is a perfect storm in many ways. Generally speaking and in older times the old clan relationships and connections played a big part in how the Chinese dealt with each other abroad and in China. The situation is more dyanamic and changed today as nothing remains the same or static.

That clan loyalty and traditionally water tight relationships between Chinese people may well be a thing of the past. Self interest dominates the principles of most of us, the Chinese included. There is a significant cultural chasm between mainland Chinese and Singaporean Chinese than what you believe exists. It is horses for courses. The mainlanders have no such loyalty or trust of their own kindd, their own country. I need not cite examples to make the point. There is a plethora of examples of the situationeverywhere on the public record.

To survive those caught out in situations such as the recent event in Singapore involving foreign Chinese people arrested with hundreds of millions of dollars in their possession can and are being turned into operatives of Regime Change.

It is a far better alternative than being deported to mainland China where the consequences are dire. And whether or not you like to believe it it is happening, it is. Politics certainly makes very strange bedfellows.

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All fiat currencies in its essence is ‘dirty’.

Gold and Silver is money.

Currencies all return to zero ultimately.

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