Yet another article, by the usual suspects, bashing Trump and the Jews. No attempt to analyse why Trump may do some of the things predicted in this rant. This is acceptable if the writer is a precocious teenager. Not so much if the author is approaching the end of his journalistic career.

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Actually a great article reasoned and rational. Which is why a Trumptard would reject it, as right trash morons rely on their (justifiable) feelings of inadequacy and laughable projecting rather than reality, which they despise (because to accept reality, they'd have to accept how loathsome and pathetic they are) 🤡💩🤣

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All those insults are a substitute for rational argument. The article above was just another excuse to bash Donald Trump and the Jews without any attempt to explain why those parties have taken certain courses of action. Your response to criticism of that article betrays an inability to compose a rational response based on facts. They also imply strong feelings of (justifiable) inadequacy.

Also, if I had used such language criticising you, the editors of this site would have responded differently to how they treat you. This hardly surprising as left wingers are prone to this character flaw.

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We have repeatedly admonished both of you to maintain a civil discourse. We repeat our admonition -- Eds.

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